Paddocks Primary School Newmarket

Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket Life at Paddocks Primary School Newmarket

"Pride - Persistence - Purpose"

Forest School.

  Forest School is ……………

An opportunity for your child to find out things for themselves through encouragement, a chance to play outside of the classroom and to build on their resilience and resourcefulness. It allows them to develop their imagination and initiative to problem solve as well as tackling emotional intelligence and teamwork, along with risk-taking and self-management


What will my child do there?

Physical activities include den - building, cutting firewood, rope swing making, team games including hide and seek and fire building.

Coordination skills include crafts made from natural resources, whistles, dreamcatchers, etc., flora and fauna identification, and cooking on the campfire.

 The Benefits: Confidence, peer learning/helping, emotional skills, coping with setbacks and wellbeing.


We have Forest School so that our children will learn:

To love and respect nature

To be adventurous and confident

To recognise and understand their own emotions

To manage their own learning

To learn through play.


 Have a look at our photos!





If you have any questions about Forest School, please contact:

Miss Haynes

Forest School Lead Practitioner and HLTA