PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) - Including RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)
Why is PSHE important? - Our Curriculum Intent
At Paddocks Primary School, we value the whole child and therefore have a strong presence of PSHE running throughout the school. PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education and is subject that is taught throughout the school both as standalone lessons and integrated through other areas of the curriculum. This subject includes elements of online safety, sex and relationship education, healthy lifestyles, citizenship, British Values, and personal safety. It is an important and wide reaching area of the curriculum and is taught through a combination of classroom experiences, trips and visitors to the school. This includes our Year 6 taking part in the 'Crucial Crew' citizenship day run by Suffolk Police. We follow the Jigsaw programme of PSHE to ensure progression school wide and to ensure consistency and empowerment for your children.
Our Vision
Self-awareness and mindfulness are crucial to allow children with the ever changing and sometimes uncertain tasks in everyday life. We recognise PSHE as the opportunity to support children as individual learners and to assist their development as human beings. Jigsaw sessions support children in respecting who they are as individuals and empower them with a voice to support them in learning and in life. Jigsaw allows children to think about many different elements of PSHE, including their places within the world and the importance of having a healthy body and a healthy mind. PSHE invests time in mindfulness and allows children to self-regulate their feelings and calm their busy minds down, ready for learning. We are working hard to create a sense of belonging within the school by working on collaborative projects that reflect the very essence of knowing yourself and how to work affectively within a team. We also celebrate children’s achievements throughout the school weekly in our praising assemblies.
What does PSHE look like at Paddocks? - Our Curriculum Implementation
The national curriculum states that PSHE should ensure schools teach a broad and balanced curriculum. In PSHE this focuses on promoting a spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development for children. It prepares children for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that they may encounter in later life. Lastly, it promotes British values. Our PSHE lessons always start with a mindful approach to learning and children are regularly given time to reflect on their learning and expand their ideas. Children have the opportunity to learn through games, role play and expressive arts to ensure that all children can access the learning available to them.
What do our pupils think? - Our Curriculum Impact
“I like feeling calm in the ‘calm me’ time.”
“I feel like PSHE has taught me to be kinder to others.”
“I like setting and sharing my goals and dreams.”
“People listen to me.”
Further Information
An Introduction to Jigsaw for Parents and Carers
Early Years - How Jigsaw meets PSED (Personal, Social, Emotional Development) Early Learning Goals
Relationship and Sex Education Guide for Parents
Jigsaw RSE curriculum overview grid
Parents are able to access all Jigsaw teaching materials for RSE via the Jigsaw Parent Portal. Please request individual access to the portal from your child's class teacher.