Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Paddocks Primary School prides itself as an inclusive school. We believe that high quality teaching, adapted for each individual child, is the first step in our provision for pupils who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Staff at Paddocks embrace the fact that every child is different and, therefore, the educational needs of each of them is also distinct. This philosophy and vision is reflected in our a daily teaching and learning practice and is at the core of our support for everyone here at Paddocks Primary School.
For a glossary of terms specific to SEND please click here.
What are Special Education Needs and Disabilities?
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 2014 defines Special Educational Needs and Disabilities as;
1. Communication and interaction,
2. Cognition and learning,
3. Social, mental and emotional health,
4. Sensory and/or physical.
Many children and young people have difficulties that fit clearly into one of these areas; some have needs that span two or more areas; for others the precise nature of their need may not be clear at the outset. It is therefore important to carry out a detailed individual assessment of each child or young person and their situation at the earliest opportunity to make an accurate assessment of their needs.
What can I do if I have a concern or worry about my child's education or development?
You can speak to your doctor, School Nurse, Class teacher or School's SENDCO and explain your concerns and worries. They will be able to support you to find the right service for you and your child.
You can ask for a meeting with your child's class teacher and/or SENDCO to discuss their educational needs, and they will sign post you to the most appropriate service and make a support plan.
For further information on how SEND is supported at Paddocks Primary School, please see our school's SEND offer.
Please click on the links below for more information about SEND at Paddocks Primary School.
Click here for our SEND Policy 2023-2024
Click here for our Accessibility Policy and Plan for 2022-2025
Please click on the links below for more Information on how SEND is supported in Suffolk.
- Click here for Suffolk's information on EHC Plans and Assessment Guidance
- Click here for Suffolk's Local Offer
- Click here if you require support from SENDIASS
Please click on the links below for information on how Suffolk supports.